Well, I know I haven't updated this site since... forever and to be honest, I won't update it anymore. The story I had was great. It was a tale to be told, but I'm not a good comicmaker and until I am, I won't try to make a story like this. I don't like the art anymore that I did back in June. Yes, strange, it's only a couple months ago, yet, I have learnt so much in the time being.

Another reason why I stopped working on this story is because I started another webcomicproject. It's a mixture between a blog and a comic, about my life and a bit of extra elements like a furby and stuff like that. That project was a hit from the moment I launched the site. I'm updating it every day and it demands some time. Time I could put into Asuria. Maybe, one day, there will be Asuria, but it won't be today.

Sorry. This webcomic is hosted by keenspace.com. Isn't that peachy?